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  • Oils vs. Lotions for Dry Winter Skin
    December 28, 2022

    Oils vs. Lotions for Dry Winter Skin

    The question of whether to apply massage oil or massage lotion during treatment, is largely up to personal preference, both for the therapist and client. Massage oils may work a bit better after the client has washed, and the skin is still damp. It would help to seal in that moisture and produce glowing skin. But in terms of therapeutic treatment, lotions may have a more immediate effect treating skin that is already dry or inflamed.
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  • Essential Oil Holiday Essential Oil Recipe Blends
    December 20, 2022

    Essential Oil Holiday Recipe Blends

    Christmas is a tradition steeped in memories. Going back to childhood, we associate the holiday with the sweet scent of oranges and candied fruit. Cinnamon and spiced tea, the piney aroma of the tree itself, and of course feasts.
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  • Old Fashioned Gingerbread with small girl decorating
    December 19, 2022

    Old Fashioned Gingerbread House Recipe and Instructions

    Now that holiday time is upon us, and family and friends are gathering, there's time to spend on fun group projects. Building a traditional gingerbread house is a great way to involve the whole team. The end result is a tasty and decadent mixture of cookies, icing, and all the sweets to be imagined.
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  • Female Massage patient receiving Petrissage
    December 9, 2022

    Petrissage - The Kneading Touch in Massage Therapy

    Six essential motions combine to define petrissage. Wringing, kneading, knuckling, scissoring, skin rolling, and pick-up-and-squeeze are the key movements. All of these techniques are therapeutic — performed with varying degrees of intensity and vigour, according to the patient’s comfort.
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  • Massage therapist applying effleurage to patient's back
    October 18, 2022

    Effleurage - The Gentle Touch in Massage Therapy

    To begin a massage treatment the therapist might apply effleurage to the larger muscle groups of the arms, upper back and shoulders, lower back, thighs, and calf muscles. Once the areas are relaxed and stimulated, more focused pressure is applied to specific muscles and fascial tissue.
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  • Recycling blue box with empty, clean massage lotion bottle inside
    September 18, 2022

    Recycling Lotion Bottles

    Whether you are a self-employed RMT or you work with others in a clinic setting, we strongly encourage you to take these very simple steps to keep you practice environmentally sound. 
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  • Fresh white Massage Table Linens  Stacked
    August 30, 2022

    Lifetime of Massage Table Sheets

    Using linen with an obvious stain can become a liability for massage therapy businesses. After all, a customer who has to lie on such stained material might not want to come back. In some cases, they might even be able to seek a refund for any deposit they may have given for the appointment. It's worth considering the Lifetime of Massage Table Sheets.
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